Mission 5: Celebrate!

The Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC) provides a safe, harassment-free space for queer and trans youth, ages 13-23 years old. SMYRC (sounds like “smirk”) has been a Portland establishment for 20 years. In its infancy, SMYRC was a recreation center in which gay, lesbian and questioning teens could hang out after school and on Friday nights. It has since grown to offer educational workshops, mental health services and empowering activities for the sexual and gender minority population. Although the word “Gender” has been added to its name, the original acronym remains the same. 

SMYRC’s goals are to increase academic success, offer job opportunities, build leaders, and empower and support every queer and trans youth who walks through its doors. SMYRC’s activities and services include art, music, community organizing, open mic nights, drag shows, support groups, case management, counseling, education and special seasonal events such as Queens on Ice and Queermas. 

SMYRC also runs an education training program called Bridge 13. Bridge 13 helps businesses, schools and government agencies comply and become more inclusive with their LGBTQIA members. 

In 2020, Portland Pride Festival and Parade was cancelled. While the pandemic continues, vaccines give hope that an end is near. This year, the organizers of Pride are committed to providing a safe and accessible celebration in June, and SMYRC intends to participate with safety measures in place.

The SMRYC center needs a variety of patches for its youth to wear on their clothing, coats, bags and/or backpacks to celebrate Pride. SMRYC would also like bow ties and wrist cuffs with either pride flags or personal pronouns on them. These are fun accessories to wear during Pride celebration and throughout the year.

Your fabric scraps made of love and support demonstrate that all humans are deserving of celebration and pride. 

Your mission should you choose to accept it:

Make one or more patches, bow ties and/or wrist cuffs out of scraps for the queer and trans youth at the SMYRC center. 

June 15, 2021

Mandatory Supplies
Your scrap fabric! Scrap yarn works, too! Please do not buy new fabric or yarn.

Optional Supplies
1. Patches: iron-on adhesive if you have it. The youth can also adhere them the old-fashioned way with a needle and thread (which might be most effective in rainy Portland).
2. Bow ties: snaps, buttons, hook and eyes (if necessary)
3. Wrist cuffs: elastic scraps, embroidery floss, snaps and buttons (if necessary)

The possibilities are endless! Use the things you have!

Types of Items
Bow ties of any kind. A variety of pride flag patches in a variety of sizes. Wrist cuffs with personal pronouns and/or pride flags. Specific pride flags to consider:
—gender binary
—the new progress pride flag with the chevron of pink, light blue, brown and black stripes

SMYRC does NOT need the old rainbow pride flag for patches or cuffs.

Age Range
13 years old to 23 years old

Guidelines & Restrictions
-If your handmade creation doesn't feel worthy as a gift to your family and friends, then it should stay at home.
-However, don't stress about perfection. Your love and support will show through your handmade creations.

-Explore the internet:

     Links to the various pride flags and progress pride flag.
     Link to examples of some inspirational fabric wrist cuffs.
     Link for a free bow tie pattern and instructions (there are many). 

-Host a virtual patch-making party with the scraps you have!
-YOU are a creative genius: Zoom with other creative geniuses and brainstorm projects together!

Shipping Address
Ship your completed patches, bow ties & wrist cuffs to this address:

1220 SW Columbia St. 
Portland, OR 97201

And don't forget to add The People's Sewing Army in your return address! If you live in the Portland area, you can also hand-deliver your donation during regular office hours.

Supplies & Financial Contributions
If you feel compelled to further support the SMRYC center, a financial contribution in any amount is most helpful for a nonprofit. There is a donation form on the New Avenues for Youth website. There is also a supplies wish list. 

Note: all donations go to the umbrella organization, New Avenues for Youth. If you specifically want your money and supplies to be allocated to the SMYRC program, please make a note of it on the donation form. 

Share the Love
Share your makes with the army and the world by posting a picture on Instagram using the hashtag #thepeoplessewingarmy. (Hint: to make your creation stand out, photograph it against a white wall and/or on top of a white piece of paper.)

IMPORTANT: Final Step!
Via Instagram, DM @thepeoplessewingarmy with this specific information (it is vital to track our progress, and it means everything for our success--please do not skip this final step!):
1) the number of items made
2) the combined weight of those items. You can weigh at post office before packaging or approximate weight on home scale.

Also, your direct communication with The People’s Sewing Army is the only way you can be recognized and thanked for your efforts—you deserve it!

Questions? Refer to the Instagram feed @thepeoplessewingarmy. Questions will not be answered on the blog.



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