The Missive

The People’s Sewing Army is a collective of sewists who feel compelled to repurpose their scrap fabric and donate it to individuals and organizations in need. It’s by the people, for the people. Any sewist can join and have a good time with it. If we can spend a little time to lighten the landfill and make someone feel good, it’s a win-win. 

  • Our mission: We reuse our sewing scraps for good causes. 

  • Our value: We love our planet and the people on it. 

  • To join the army follow @thepeoplessewingarmy on Instagram. 

  • I will post missions that you can decide to participate in. Once a mission is posted on Instagram, the details will be listed on the blog. 

  • If you decide to accept the mission, you will use your scraps to make what the mission dictates. However, there is no obligation. You simply act when you are moved to do so. What you put into the sewing army is up to you.

  • Once your project is completed, you will then mail it to the organization in need. 

  • For now, this idea is being beta-tested with organizations in one community: Portland, Oregon. 

  • This doesn’t mean that only the Portland citizenry can participate. It’s strongly encouraged that people from around the world join in when a mission speaks to them. 

  • Shipping might be an issue for some missions that ask the army to build heavy items — we will see how this unfolds. 

  • If The People’s Sewing Army beta-test is a success, the greater goal would be to have several sewing armies established all over the world. 

Thank you so much for your interest! Join the army today!


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